The first documented reference to this breed was from the Flanders region of Belgium during the 16th century. These rabbits could weigh up to 11 kg and even hold the record for the highest rabbit at over 1.5 metres!
When adequately posed, the underline of the giant rabbit continental body should be arched like an English Spot or Checkered Giant. The body must be at least 65 cm (26 inches) long, with ears at least 25% of the body length, or 7 inches long.
The Continental Giant, or German Giant, is a vast rabbit breed initially bred for meat. The British Rabbit Council recognizes it in two categories: colored and white, but the American Rabbit Breeders Association does not recognise it as a breed.
Are you eating a giant rabbit continental?
Meet the giant rabbit continental. Their diet consists mainly of vegetables, grasses, some fruits and twigs, and sticks of willow trees. Continental giant rabbits, also known as German giants, are often bred for meat and their fur due to their size.
Hay and pellets comprise most of their diet, but greens and other vegetables are just as important when considering your rabbit’s nutrition. Finally, and this should be obvious: ensure your container always has access to clean and fresh water.
How much does the continental rabbit weigh?
The Continental Giant, or German Giant, is derived from the Flemish Giant. Both breeds share many physical characteristics, such as broad heads and long, straight ears. Both have a thick coat, but the coat of the Flemish Giant does not require much grooming. The Continental Giant, or the German Giant, is a vast rabbit breed bred primarily for meat.
Do giant rabbit continentals make good pets?
Giant rabbits can make excellent pets. Their larger-than-life character and towering stature make them delightful. However, they come with unique requirements and potential problems, so you must ensure you can meet these needs before committing.
How high can the continental rabbit jump?
They can also jump up to 3 feet high, so their enclosure needs to be tall enough to prevent them from jumping. Dogs, cats, and Flemish giant rabbits were easily domesticated. You may keep them indoors or even train them to use a litter box.
Are continental giants destructive?
Their weight can be 7–10 kg. These large buns are now perfectly bred as companion animals because they get along well with children and other animals in the home. They are courageous and can cause a lot of destruction due to their size and strength. Sometimes, our rabbits start to lose a lot of fur. However, if our rabbits try to groom themselves and ingest these extensive bits of fur, it can affect their GI tract.
How long is the continental giant pregnant?
The Continental Giant is one of the oldest breeds of large rabbits. After mating, the female gives birth to her kittens after a gestation period of 28–31 days. The kittens are born completely hairless, so the female pulls on her fur to cover them and keep them warm.
Are continental giants destructive?
Their weight can be 7–10 kg. These large buns are now perfectly bred as companion animals because they get along well with children and other animals in the home. They are courageous and can cause a lot of destruction due to their size and strength. Behaviour: As I mentioned earlier, giant rabbit continentals are intelligent, friendly, and very easy with human interaction. They will even play games with you, can be trained, and respond to the owner’s name after the owner’s time. Sometimes, our rabbits start to lose a lot of fur. However, if our rabbits try to groom themselves and ingest these extensive bits of fur, it can affect their GI tract.
How long does the continental rabbit live?
The longest continental giant on record was about 4 feet 4 inches (c. 132 cm) long, and the heaviest weighed 53 pounds (c. 24 kg). The average lifespan of the breed is 4-5 years.
How many giant rabbit continental babies?
Give delivery. The gestation period (length of gestation) is similar for continental giants as for other species of rabbit. From the date of successful breeding, your Conti doe will light up (have a baby) 28–31 days later. Generally, most will deliver on the 31st (6 to 12 kits). Although some portions may vary according to individual size and appetite level, the general rule is “the more, the merrier.” These giant rabbits require unlimited fresh water and may eat 8 to 12 cups of high-quality pellets daily, sometimes more. Conti should also be given unlimited hay.
Can giant rabbits live indoors?
Litter box training is most accessible if you start when the rabbit is young. Conti condo is a popular term used among Continental Giant breeders as another name for a large hutch, pen, or cage. Generally, the Cont needs a minimum of 8’x4 of daily living space and enough room for daily exercise.
How long is the continental giant pregnant?
The Continental Giant is one of the oldest breeds of large rabbits. After mating, the female gives birth to her kittens after a gestation period of 28–31 days. The kittens are born completely hairless, so the female pulls on her fur to cover them and keep them warm.
How much does Continental Giant cost?
They usually spend a lot of money on the rarity and size of the giant rabbit continental species. If you purchase one of these beauties from a breeder, you can expect to pay $300 to $500 per rabbit.
I think Conti will be full-size in about 18 months, so there is still plenty of time to grow!! As others have said, a playhouse/shed attached to an aviary would provide reasonable accommodation. Breed them daily for several days in a row at different times and in other locations (sometimes, a combination of all of the above is all it takes to get the job done).
Flemish giants have a very definite mandolin shape to the upper body; the legs are usually slightly longer than the conti and are solid. They also have narrower heads, pointed faces, and shorter, more narrow erect ears (about 6 inches long) than typical.