When a mother rabbit gives birth, the rabbit’s health is greatly affected because the rabbit has to nurse the babies, and at the same time, the rabbit’s body is left with many deficiencies.
In today’s blog, I will explain how to correct this deficiency in rabbit health and ensure that the rabbit’s body has enough milk to feed the baby.
I have two years of experience rearing rabbits, from which I know how to care for the mother rabbit, restore her health, and feed the mother rabbit so that she has enough milk in her body.
After giving birth, rabbits usually eat two to three times more food than before, especially at night. So when a mother rabbit gives birth to baby rabbits, she needs to feed twice as much as before and ensure good food quality.
Let’s find out which food should be given more to the rabbit.
Rabbits like to eat green grass very much, so the rabbit should be given more green grass during this time. Green grass is very beneficial for the rabbit’s health because, by eating green grass, the rabbit’s health will be restored, and enough milk will be produced in the rabbit’s body to feed the baby. So, the rabbit should be fed more and more green grass during this time, and yes, the amount of food should be twice as much as usual.
During this time, the rabbit should be kept away from other rabbits because other rabbits will disturb the mother rabbit and the baby, so the mother rabbit will not be able to care for the babies properly. Because at this time, if the father rabbit tries to have intercourse, it is more dangerous for the mother rabbit.
If possible, the mother rabbit should be kept in a separate room or cage. If kept in a cage with the baby, ensure the cage is enormous; otherwise, the mother rabbit cannot walk and eat. The mother rabbit should be kept with the mother rabbit no matter where she is kept. [Consider revising this sentence for clarity: “Click here to learn how to care for the babies.”]
And yes, during this time, the mother rabbit will spend some time lying down and will not jump and run like before. This is normal.
Take care of and look after the mother rabbit and the babies as much as possible. And yes, don’t hold the babies too much during this time.