The right way to find a lost cats

lost cats if you can’t find the cat, start searching from the house first. The cat often enters a corner inside the home or can get stuck somewhere. So search inside the house first. If it gets into a drawer for a long time, it can be inside a closet, behind a closet, stuck in a crevice, or under the bed. Look for the cabinets on the upper wall, between/above the screen, and all the chipped corners.

However, even after taking great security measures, the cat can get lost many times. At that time, searching, as I have written below, will help to get the cat back.


lost cats don’t worry you must look outside if you can’t find it anywhere in the house.

Please don’t assume the cat will find out on its own. A cat that hasn’t been outside before gets bored when there are many noises outside, unfamiliar people, and an environment completely different from its usual habitat, so you have to take your time to find the cat.


What to bring when looking for a cat

What to bring when looking for a lost cats ?

1) You have to walk a lot to find the cat so you can keep a water bottle and drink water when thirsty.

2) Keep a torch with you. Even during the day, you will need it to search for cracks, corners, holes in walls, and pipelines.

3) Must have a phone with camera or camera or GoPro

4) There has to be a picture of the cat and a picture of the cat where the whole body of the cat is visible. It is when everybody could understand the full color of this cat’s face.


When will you go out to find it?

If you do not find the cat at home, you will immediately go outside to look for it; take your time. If it is more than one day, you will go out to search every morning when there is not much noise; you must search once then; if the noise is low, the cat will go out many times. At night, when the noise decreases, you will search again. And you can go out to search once a day. If there are several members in the house, you can go out to search in turn.


Find these places inside the building:

lost cats please look there are stairs in rooms, stairs on each floor, windows, cornices, and as much space as possible on each floor. Look carefully in the generator room. You will find it in the janitor’s room and the janitor’s kitchen. Go to the roof and look carefully under and above the tank. Sometimes, it can go to the roof and get stuck. Search by calling the cat’s name.




lost cats? please see outside:

You will see it in every street. You can find it on the corner of the street.

You will find it in the bushes outside. You will see it on the tree. See if there are any holes in the walls of every building. Many times, there are holes in the walls of buildings. Cats can hide in those holes. Look in those holes. You will see it in the pipeline. Go out with a flashlight. Search holes and gaps with flashlights. You can see through the camera. Many times, the camera captures it if it is not visible.


Look carefully at where building construction is going on, look at every floor in those places, and ask the masons there. Leave no space.

You will see on the cornice of all the buildings, on rice. On top of the tree, you will see it in the branches. If you go to the roof of each building and look from above, you will see if there is any rice, cornice, road, or tree below.

Show the cat’s picture to the gatekeepers of different homes, houses, and apartments in the area, and give them your number so they can call you immediately if they see your cat. The apartments in the area that will be allowed to enter will look carefully in the garage of the apartment, under the car, in the janitor’s room, and on the side of the rice; if you go to the roof, you will see from the roof whether you can see cats around.

If there are any slums in the area, ask each one at their house if they have seen a picture of the cat and tell you if they have.

Show pictures of cats in all the houses in your flat so that if you go to someone’s house or if someone sees them, they can tell you and give your number to everyone. Cats often enter the house through the windows or doors of other people’s houses if they are open or sit quietly on the cornice of other people’s houses at home. In every flat, you will enter the house with permission and go to the window, cornice, and balcony to have a good look, and tell them to call you when they see your number; you will come and take them.


What to call the cat?

Whenever you start searching at home and outside, call out the cat’s name. Some cats respond by meowing when they hear a sound, making finding them more accessible. However, not all cats react to outside calls, but if your cat responds by meowing, you will find your beloved cat sooner.

Post pictures of your cat in animal groups, and someone will tell you if they see them.

If you are still looking for it in a few days, put cat posters on all the area’s walls. Write the cat’s name, age, boy/girl, and make a poster with its picture and your number everywhere (put it on the wall of every street, in the garage of different apartments; if someone sees it, it will tell you. 

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