Some fruits that rabbits can eat.

Some fruits that rabbits can eat.

You must be wondering what some fruits that rabbits can eat are. Today I am going to write about some fruits that rabbits can eat, specifically ten fruits that can be enjoyed by rabbits.


Fruit is very high in sugar so your rabbit will eat it for fun but you should not give your rabbit more than twice a week.


I am speaking from my two years of rabbit breeding experience If you let your rabbit eat some fruits that rabbits can eat according to my rules, then your rabbit will always be happy and healthy. Their appetite will be satisfied with some fruits that rabbits can eat, so let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Some Fruits That Rabbits Can Eat: Can They Enjoy These?


can rabbits eat grapes?

Yes you can feed your rabbit grapes they are not toxic to rabbits grapes contain small amounts of fiber vitamin b and vitamins c and vitamin k but make sure you discard the seeds when feeding grapes to your rabbit as they can be toxic to rabbits. For more information on rabbit diets, you can refer to this resource.

can rabbits eat tomatoes?

Yes, you can feed tomatoes to your rabbit only as a tick once or twice a week at most but remember to feed tomatoes if the rabbit is over three months of age, and babies under three months should not have tomatoes.

Another thing to keep in mind while feeding tomatoes is that the seeds and pods of tomatoes cannot be fed to rabbits, only the meat of tomatoes should be given to rabbits once or twice a week.

can rabbits eat apples?

Yes, you can give your rabbit apples, but the rule of thumb is to feed your rabbit two-eighths of an apple.

But remember to remove the seeds from the apples before giving them to your rabbit, as apple poison is poisonous to rabbits.

I have three rabbits and they love apples and maybe yours will too but remember to feed them apples twice a week and not more than two pieces each time.

can rabbits eat watermelon?

Yes, rabbits can eat watermelon, especially during summer. Feed your rabbit more watermelon because watermelon contains more water, which will help your rabbit stay healthy during the summer heat and fill the water gap. So, you should give your rabbit watermelon two to three times a week during summer.

However, one thing to remember while feeding your rabbit with watermelon is that the rabbit does not eat the watermelon seeds.

A funny thing you will notice when you feed your rabbit watermelon is when your rabbit eats watermelon their cheeks turn red and watermelon oozes out of their mouth which looks so cute.

can rabbits eat bananas?

Bananas are high in sugar so you should only feed your rabbit a few bananas.

Remember that not feeding your rabbit extra bananas can make him fat.

If you have a rabbit that is skinny with no flesh on its body you can feed them enough bananas to make your skinny rabbit fat.

Many of us have a question: can rabbits eat banana peels? Yes, rabbits can eat banana peels, but that’s about one banana peel for an adult rabbit once or twice a week.

can rabbits eat strawberries?

Yes like other rabbits can like strawberries very much so you can give strawberries to the rabbit it is rabbit fruit so not poisonous to save for yourself and your rabbit can have strawberries somewhere.

can rabbits eat blueberries?

Yes, like any other fruit, you can give your rabbit blueberries as a treat. They are not toxic to rabbits at all and they enjoy them very much.

can rabbits eat carrots?

Many of us think that rabbits like carrots very much and that rabbits should be fed a lot of carrots. This is completely wrong. Rabbits like other fruits like carrots very much, but carrots are very sweet, so rabbits should not be fed carrots at all.

You can give your rabbit a few pieces of carrots once or twice a week with his daily meals to keep your rabbit happy.

can rabbits eat oranges?

You may be wondering if you can feed oranges to your rabbit. The answer is yes you can feed oranges to your rabbit in moderation but remember that oranges are high in sugar so they should be fed in moderation oranges will make your rabbit look brighter so try your best. Feed rabbits occasionally oranges with their daily meals.


For more information about what vegetables and fruits are suitable for rabbits, including what baby rabbits can eat, check out our detailed posts on what vegetables can baby rabbits eat and what vegetables and fruits do rabbits like to eat.

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